Pam Levin's "Astrologically Screwed" is Absolutely Miraculous
Wednesday, June 12th, Los Angeles, CA
written by Entertainment Editor, Dan Ruth
Why is it that certain people seem to be keyed in to signs from another realm, have life-changing incidences, and connected parallel occurrences foretold to them, while others just eat their Cheerios, collect their paycheck and retire without even a smidge or a poke from their dead Aunt Trudy or Uncle Jim? Why does this person’s candle flicker, and that person can’t even get the candle lit? No matter where you stand on the topic of metaphysical activity, Pam Levin’s psychic candle is flickering wildly, as she sets the whole house on fire in her charming, hilarious and eerie solo show, Astrologically Screwed, now playing at The Hudson Theatre as part of The Hollywood Fringe.
Watching Pam Levin perform in her latest solo outing is like watching your best friend tell you and amazing story, with so many twists and turns you can’t stop listening. The best part is that it’s easy to throw caution and just believe every bit of her story because why would anyone with such a colorful life make this stuff up? Like many people who seek guidance from metaphysical sources, there are hits and misses, but in Astrologically Screwed, Levin gets served up a whole lot of predictions that come true. When Levin turns 25 she is gifted a visit from a famous astrologer, and after spreading out her chart, the astrologer makes some very pointed predictions, some fun, and others impossible, I mean, why would this East Coast chick want with moving to California? Well, here we are in California and I will save the rest for you to find out when you get your ticket to this very insightful and miraculous comedy, because there’s one unspoken prediction in particular, looming perilously in the future when Levin turns 40. Astrologically Screwed is a fantastic show that you don’t want to miss, and I simply don’t do spoilers.
Okay, maybe one; Hooters. . .first date. . .not a good idea.
Pam Levin is a wildly gifted storyteller and her use of multiple characters, time-specific music and changes of costume pieces are all beautifully connected. You are really rooting for her as she takes you on a roller-coaster ride of absolutely baffling life circumstances that climax in a most amazing way. Levin’s energy is infectious and charming and you will leave Astrologically Screwed with a smile on your face. I for one, have always had both feet in the metaphysical soup and am a firm believer that some people are simply psychically gifted, and other forms of divination, while still a subject to mill over, are here to get you to see a different point of view that you might never have thought of on your own.
All of this is worthy post-show conversation, but you should see the show first. One doesn’t have to be gifted psychically to predict that Astrologically Screwed might very well sell-out, so get your tickets well in advance. Astrologically Screwed is beautifully directed by Chera Marks.